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An Ultimate Cloth® Fundraiser will be the most successful Fundraiser you've ever run!

Call us now at 800-714-2770 for your Fundraising Information Package and 10% off your first order.

When you think of a Fundraiser for your organization or favorite charity, things like candy bars, magazines, cookies & gift wrap probably come to mind... Not to mention the car washes, bake sales, pizza and pasta dinners!

Does just the thought of these traditional fundraising ideas exhaust you?

Think about how your contributors feel! They want to support your organization, but are tired of gift wrap that's not very pretty, cookies that are not on their diet and magazines they don't have time to read!

If you agree, then you're ready to find out why an
Ultimate Cloth® Fundraiser will be the most successful
Fundraising Campaign you've ever run.

FACT: An Ultimate Cloth® is NOT just a cleaning cloth

From the very first glance, the Ultimate Cloth® is different from the norm so your Contributors are glad to finally purchase something they will enjoy using for years. Buying an Ultimate Cloth® through your fundraiser becomes a double bonus for them as they want to support you AND they want to have clean, streak free surfaces!

Okay, so first of all, let's address what may be the biggest obstacle in your mind - it's a 'cleaning cloth'! If you haven't already experienced them for yourself, rest assured there's a reason our customers have stated on many occasions ''Thank you for a product that finally lives up to the hype!' You can read through our 100's of testimonials/reviews and you will start to realize that: An Ultimate Cloth® is not just a cloth!

  • Multi-Surface: Cleans Surfaces (windows, mirrors, stainless steel, granite, black appliances, etc etc) inside and out of Homes, Businesses & Vehicles
  • Amazing 'One Step' cleaning action: Cleans, Dries and Polishes in One Easy, Fast Wipe of the Cloth
  • BIG Market: Loved equally by men and women for cleaning their surfaces - from the delicate ones to the tough ones
  • EcoFriendly: Effectively eliminates the need for smelly & costly (did we say unhealthy?) cleaning chemicals and no more wasting paper towels!
  • Durable & Easy to Care For: They last forever! Okay, not forever, but we do warranty them for 5 years general use! Simply throw them in the wash when dirty - can bleach for disinfection.

FACT: An Ultimate Cloth® FUNdraiser is NOT just a fundraiser!

Leaders heading up Fundraising Projects are finding that the Ultimate Cloths® will not only raise a lot of money for the organization with less effort than raffles, auctions, car washes & bake sales, but are also a 'breath of fresh air' from many of the 'tired' products available to them today.

  • HIGH PROFIT POTENTIAL. 50% - 60% Profit on sales

  • REORDER POTENTIAL. People love the cloth and come back for more! Make the sale once and receive even more dollars from reorders and word of mouth referrals.
    - As a courtesy, we custom print your fundraiser's contact information on the packaging insert for re-orders
    - A second insert is also provided with information about the fundraiser.

    (See below for examples )


Meet your Fundraising Goals!

Once your contributors use the Ultimate Cloth®, they fall in love with it. Let's face it, people like supporting 'good causes' and when they can get a product that gives real value by saving time, money & effort, it becomes a 'win-win' situation for everyone involved. They purchase 1 or 2 cloths and come back for more!

Our team at the Ultimate Cloth home office wants to help you reach the goals of your Fundraising Efforts. Knowing there's a great chance your supporters will want to purchase more cloths, we custom print your Organization's contact information on the 'To order More' section of the packaging insert.

We also provide a secondary insert that they can keep handy for their future reordering convenience!

A few testimonials:

"This has been the best fundraiser we have ever had. Word of mouth is your best advertising. These cloths really sell their self. Once you use them, you find out how well they work. We have ordered 7 times!"     St. Aloysius Church

"The Ultimate Cloth has been a very successful ongoing Fundraiser for our Relay for Life Team for the last 3 years. I alone, have raised over $2000 for Cancer Research. The Ultimate Cloth has exceeded my expectations in my fundraising efforts.

If sales do slow down once you have sold them to everyone you know, don’t worry they always call to order more. My customers have shared them with friends and family which helped expand my customer base and raise even more money. When you are selling a product that really works and you believe in, it is very easy to sell them to all your friends and family.

I would recommend selling Ultimate Cloths to all Relay for Life Teams as a fundraiser. This cause is very near and dear to my heart and anything I can do to help raise money is worth the effort."

Thank you,
Aleen Southerland
Relay for Life Team

"Susan, I am writing to you to order more cloths for our fall fundraiser.  They were so easy to sell and now people are wanting more of them. They can't wait until we start up again.   They really sell on their own.  Our teens sold them but we also had adults stopping by the church to buy more of them once they knew where to get them.  We paid for camp -   $270 per person.  Thanks for everything.  Order to follow." J. Dugan; Harmony Teens; Harmony Baptist Church

Dear Ultimate Cloth,

I was given the Ultimate Cloth by a friend, and it worked so well that I mentioned it at our Slovenian Women’s Union of America meeting. The members agreed that it would be worth the time to try selling them. That was one of the best decisions we could have made for the purpose of a fundraiser. People are wild about the Ultimate Cloth! There is no end to the many uses people have found for the cloth.

Because of the success we have dad, we have been able to donate to many causes in our little town. Thanks to the Ultimate Cloth for making cleaning easier for so many.

The Slovenian Women’s Union of America
Branch #23   Ely, MN 55731

"I am an educator at Shekinah Christian School (SCS) where fundraisers frequently are needed to raise funds for class trips, sporting equipment, school renovations, and the day-to-day costs of running a private school.  Every other year the junior high classes (grades 7&8) take a trip to an outdoor education camp in the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania.  While the trip is a wonderful experience, funds need to be raised to cover the cost of room and board, travel expenses, and the instructors at the outdoor camp. A lot of time is spent brainstorming or just looking for fundraisers that not only produce a product of quality and practicality, but also one that is relatively affordable for the prospective buyers. Plus, the fundraiser should help provide a good percentage of income towards the trip.

     A mother of a student at SCS suggested selling the Ultimate Cloth® because she loved the result the cloths produced in her own home.   After an initial period of skepticism from sellers and buyers, many buyers have called back to order additional cloths.  A seventh grader developed a creative sales approach by asking his neighbors for just five minutes of their time and a dirty window.  He has proceeded to sell well over seventy cloths as a result of his enthusiasm to demonstrate the veracity of the Ultimate Cloth®’s claim to not leave streaks but rather to leave a clean window.  A total of eighteen students have embarked on this fundraising campaign of trying to raise approximately $6,000.  As of right now (3 months total), the class has sold almost 1,000 cloths and they are nearing the $4,000 mark.  Upon seeing the enthusiastic reaction from buyers, the junior high students are continuing to reach more and more contacts during the summer and people are willing to pay $6.00 for a product that potentially will save them money.

     From all of us at SCS we just want to say thank-you to those we have worked with and will continue to work with as long as the demand for Ultimate Cloths stays strong.


Myron Sommers
Junior High Teacher at Shekinah Christian School


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One last note: If you or others in the fundraising program have not yet personally experienced the cloths, you may not understand how powerful and successful an 'Ultimate Cloth®' fundraiser can be. We invite you to try them for yourself and you, too, will be a believer.

For More Information,
please contact us by calling 800-714-2770. Locally at 614-504-2014.